Monday, March 8, 2010

Testing, Testing 1-2-3...

Hey folks!

First post... I suppose I should fill you in:

Here's the basics: I got a call last night from one Steph Lepak who told me that I had been accepted to go on a six week mission trip to East Asia! Whoaaa... talk about mind blowing. Through Campus Crusade for Christ's East Asia Summer Project, I'll be taking language classes in an (intentionally unnamed) East Asian country, taking the opportunity to get to know the students on campus, and developing relationships with them so that I can share with them the most important thing they'll ever hear: the message of Jesus Christ.

Ohmygoodness, I have so much to do. I'm a list person, and my current "E.A. To Do" list was too much for one (or even two!) sticky notes. Talk about intimidating. But for now, I'm working on my support letter, and praying for things to fall the way God wants them to.

In this blog, I'll do my best to keep you updated on, well, everything. From the preparation for the trip, straight through into my actual time in East Asia, I'll fill you in on the bumps, the bruises, the accomplishments, and the miraculous things that I just know God's going to do. I'll keep you in the loop about what I need prayer for, and answered prayers, too.

I'm so stoked guys!

Much love,

PS- The "Xin" in the blog title means "Faith" :)